One of the greatest assets held by BCA is an active and involved group of volunteers who serve on its seven standing committees. Represented on the committees are dozens of construction professionals and individuals from other types of businesses – architects, engineers, materials, and professional service providers – who work in tandem with contractors. The vast experiences and strong business expertise represented on each committee through these individuals give these hard-working groups a powerful and effective sense of direction as they work to carry out their prescribed areas of work. Committee RostersBCA Standing CommitteesEconomic Development CommitteeTo promote growth in northeast Indiana through financial and lobbying support to area economic development organizations and help members be apprised on issues of importance. Education CommitteeTo provide practical learning opportunities based on the membership’s needs that foster individuals’ career growth and members’ organizational development. Responsible for developing BCA University, a new objective from the BCA’s 2021 Strategic Plan. Government Affairs CommitteeTo monitor legislation affecting the construction industry and develop closer relationships with local elected officials.Membership CommitteeTo seek and retain quality members and involve members in BCA activities. Program CommitteePlans and implements BCA membership meetings, events, and awards programs. Helps members build their social capital (networking). Safety CommitteeTo identify members’ needs for executive safety and OSHA compliance functions and offer programs to meet those needs, such as bi-monthly Construction Safety Forums and other education /training opportunities. Workforce Development CommitteeTo raise awareness of construction industry career opportunities in northeast Indiana. Responsible for implementing Influence 1000, a new objective from the BCA’s 2021 strategic plan. Young Professionals CommitteeTo foster growth in BCA members’ younger employees by providing education and networking opportunities to expedite their careers and into leadership positions within their organizations and in the Association. |